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Post subject: The attributes of Allah Reply with quote  

Salamvalekum brother AB,

I have one question from the Holy Quran, Allaah states in the Quran different words describing attributes of Allaah.

I want to know is there any connotation/connection of such words

Such as a verse where Allaah states Sameeun Baseer (All hearer and All sear)
In the other verse Allaah states Allaah is Rahman and Raheem

Then Gafoor ur Raheem, and this is present in other verses can you please explain this to me if possible.

Post Posted:
Wed 19 Sep, 2007 4:33 am
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Post subject: Re: TO BROTHER AB Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Salamvalekum brother AB,

I have one question from the Holy Quran, Allaah states in the Quran different words describing attributes of Allaah.

I want to know is there any connotation/connection of such words

Such as a verse where Allaah states Sameeun Baseer (All hearer and All sear)
In the other verse Allaah states Allaah is Rahman and Raheem

Then Gafoor ur Raheem, and this is present in other verses can you please explain this to me if possible.


That is a very good question, SoA and while you wait for Ahmed's reply, I have the following comments:

The beauty of such verses is that they are always mentioned at the end of a topic, which Allah is addressing and relate Allah's Hamd (praise) at the end of the topic. No other Scripture has this beauty at all

First, let us get some of them written down here:

Innallaha azeezun-hakeem

Wallaho samee-un-aleem

Annallaha ghafoor-ur-raheem

Wallaho waasayun-aleem

Innallaha waasay-an-hakeema.

Innallaha aleemun-hakeem or Innallah aleemun- hakeema.

Innallaha aliyyun khabeer OR Innallaha alleyul kabeer.

Wa howal-lateeful khabeer

Wa kaanallaho shakiran-aleema.

Annallaha howat-tawwabur-raheem.

Innallaha kaana haleem-un-ghafoora.

Wa annallaha raufur raheem.

How does Allah use and mention them? It would be a huge post, if I go into each but let us look at some in relation to the topic:

1. Part of V33 Surah Noor 24: "Wala tukrayhu fatayaataykum alal-bighaa-e, in aradna tahas-sonal laytabtaghu aradal hayaatid-dunya. Wa mayn yukrayhohunna, fa-innallaha mim-baadayikrahayhinna ghafoorur-raheem.

Translated in simple English, it would mean: "Do not force your slave girls into prostitution while they wish to be married for your worldly gains. And if anyone forces them agaisnt their will should know that Allah will be ghafoorur raheem (to those girls).

So we see that the poor girls were forced into submission and they did wrong under duress through no fault of theirs. Allah knows well that force was used upon them for submission to men's lust. The innocent girls were looking to get married and settled down but the ruthless masters forced them and made them commit a sin. Allah turns now to the poor helpless girls and shows great compassion by forgiving them. Thus after the topic, in which Allah warns men not to take advantage, goes on to be so merciful and forgiving to the abused girls, who deserve much more of Allah's forgiveness.

2. V147 Surah Nisa 4:

"Ma yaf-alullaho bay-azaabaykum, in shakartum wa aamantum? Wa kaanaalaho shakiran aleema."

meaning "Why should Allah punish you if you are grateful and believe? Surely Allah is aware and appreciates."

In other words, Allah stresses on both points and declares to be Shakiran Aleem, the One who knows and appreciates.

Thus in a topic where Allah talks of wisdom and is fully aware, the verses would end with, "innallaha aleemun hakeem.

Where Allah talks big, which Allah has the irght, after such statement, we will read, "Innallaha aleeyul kabeer".

Where Allah talks about minute details, which we are not aware of but Allah is aware of such, after the statement, the end verse is "Innallaha lateefun khabeer."



P.S. Please do not mind my way of transliteration and my own translation.

Last edited by BMZ on Wed 26 Sep, 2007 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed 19 Sep, 2007 8:48 pm
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Post subject: Re: TO BROTHER AB Reply with quote  

Salam brother BMZ,

Thanks a lot its really something to ponder about, yes i liked the lateffun khabeer so this is someting i shud ponder about more when reading the Quran next.
This was a good explanation.

Post Posted:
Wed 19 Sep, 2007 8:56 pm
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Post subject: Re: TO BROTHER AB Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Salam brother BMZ,

Thanks a lot its really something to ponder about, yes i liked the lateffun khabeer so this is someting i shud ponder about more when reading the Quran next.
This was a good explanation.


Wa Alaikum Assalaam, SoA and it was a pleasure. All we have to do is read and read, ponder and deliberate over the verses of Qur'aan-um-mubeen. Lady Zainab, an English Lady from UK, who embraced Islam in the fifties, wrote,"Qur'aan works silently on it's reader."

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Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:41 pm
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Salam brother SOA

Sorry for the delay but I'm glad that I missed the question for while so others with knoweldge have a chance to reply to it, btw brother BMZ is not a new kis in the block, he is an asset to FI to be honest, I just donlt want to tell you his age so you don't get shocked as I did, he is not young mate

his explanation is great and spot on, in fact that was somthing that I had to say, simply most if not all of those properties of Allah are mentioned in relation to a context before it or after it, most likely before it but the context can come after it still

simply bro, Allah is telling us who he is in simple and single words

let me analyze one as an example

the word Aziz, comes most of the times after mentioning hell and what will happen to those who rejected Allah with arrogance, it shows that there will be no escape to them because Allah Aziz and will do what He promised without any hesititaion, the examples are unlimited bro, if your follow the context around all of these properties and ponder you may end up with millions of meanings in relation to Allah, all of it must lead to the same thing that there is nothing like Him even if we know what He told us already about Him

another simple example is Rahim, yes we can know what Rahim is, but can we imagine how Rahim Allah is, well it unimaginable for me that someone who killed many can still be forgiven he/she does not shirk with Him or reject Him, (possibly there is such people) and yet their horrible crimes against humanity may be forgiven. but if that is what Allah wants then I have to imagine that it can happen such way, that is why He also told us about Him that He is Fa'aal Lima Yurid The doer of what He wants

My thanks and appreciation for brother BMZ for his work


Post Posted:
Fri 21 Sep, 2007 1:56 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salaam, Ahmed

Thanks for the compliment and not disclosing my actual age. Very Happy It is absolutely essential to impart any knowledge that we have. Shukr AlHamdolillah.

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Fri 21 Sep, 2007 3:27 am
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Post subject: Re: Reply with quote  

Dear Brother AB and BMZ,

Thanks a lot brothere, nowadays i am just trying to learn some Arabic from the Quran itself i.e. Read the Arabic and then read the translation and try to relate.

Now when imam recites i can try to conjure whats the verse is all about but not everything.

Like bima onzila alaihi, i know its about revelation

Then inna i.e. verily

Then Ya ahhyual aamano billaahi and i know this verse is important.

Then i want to know the meaning of few words, like

Wa lakad, assaalloka, yajraoon,

Post Posted:
Wed 26 Sep, 2007 9:59 am
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Post subject: Re: Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Dear Brother AB and BMZ,

Thanks a lot brothere, nowadays i am just trying to learn some Arabic from the Quran itself i.e. Read the Arabic and then read the translation and try to relate.

Now when imam recites i can try to conjure whats the verse is all about but not everything.

Like bima onzila alaihi, i know its about revelation

Then inna i.e. verily

Then Ya ahhyual aamano billaahi and i know this verse is important.

Then i want to know the meaning of few words, like

Wa lakad, assaalloka, yajraoon,


Salam brother SOA

you can ask me any Arabioc question any time dear brother

Wa lakad, = two words, Wa = AND , Laqad = Surely (the closest I can think of)

assaalloka, = tow wors, assaal = I ask, oka = you, i.e. assaalloka = I ask you

yajraoon, = I believe this word if I understand it right = they run


Post Posted:
Wed 26 Sep, 2007 10:21 am
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Post subject: Re: Understanding of Qur'aan by a non-Arab Muslim Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Dear Brother AB and BMZ,

Thanks a lot brothere, nowadays i am just trying to learn some Arabic from the Quran itself i.e. Read the Arabic and then read the translation and try to relate.

Now when imam recites i can try to conjure whats the verse is all about but not everything.

Like bima onzila alaihi, i know its about revelation

Then inna i.e. verily

Then Ya ahhyual aamano billaahi and i know this verse is important.

Then i want to know the meaning of few words, like

Wa lakad, assaalloka, yajraoon,


Salaams and you are welcome. You are exactly at the turning point, where I stood twenty-two years ago and that is what exactly I did to start. Would you let me know what is your mother-tongue, SoA? It would be helpful.

I never understood the meanings and just prayed and recited. I never registered what was the Imam reciting.

Two things fired me up: 1. When people would tell me such and such topic is in Qur'aan and common sense told me that Qur'aan could never say such. I thought I should read, understand and check it myself but no action.

2. My son used to come back from school and would ask me questions about Islam and Qur'aaan. I would answer but then the questions were getting intense. Some good Christian boys were asking him very nicely about Islam and I decided to get a translation but never did.

One day, my son came back from school, waving a Penguin book at me. I asked him what was that and he said Qur'aan's translation in English by Dawood, whose name I pronounced as Daywood, English style and he burst out laughing and said,"Dad, it is Daud!"

SoA, that was the time, I came back for my lunch at home and I started reading the translation and I remained glued to it till night. I just could not stop. I read the whole translation and started again till I finished. This went on for about 7 readings, when I got a parallel translation by Shakir and did exactly like you did, matching words and it was a good guess. I read Shakir's translation for 12 times as a study. It was all coming to my mind. I could understand the verses that I recited in my prayers. I went for an Umrah and it was a joy that Saud Ibrahim was leading the prayers and I was understanding each and every word.

I started going for classes, learn from Mullahs and aalims, attended lectures, study group and MashaAllah by 45th detailed reading, the meanings were entering clear in my mind. I would then go back to scholars and teachers and ask them to open any page and ask me to translate and explain verses. They gave me straight A. My God! that was a delight for my soul.

I had finished my asr prayers in a mosque and I was just sitting looking at an Arab/Lebanese gentleman and when he was free, he looked at me and said,"Excuse me, do you want to talk to me?' I think he knew that as I was looking at him nonstop. I said "Yes." He told me he was a professor from Beirut and proficient in Qur'aan. I asked him to test my knowledge and he did. He inquired of me as to how many times I had read Qur'aan studying it. I told him it was 105 times detailed study and reading. He told me,"Just remember that once you finish 120th reading, the beauty of Qur'aan will start dazzling you more." It did and it continues to do so. Also remember, while you are doing this, more than a third of Qur'aan will be in your mind. What a joy, when you can recite direct.

There is a verse,"Yuti'l hikmata mayn yashaa'o", which means Allah can grant wisdom/knowledge to whoever Allah pleases" and I am so thankful and grateful to Allah for being able to understand Qur'aan.

I suggest you do Shakir first for 20 times, then go to Yusuf Ali for 30-40 readings and in between, keep reading Qur'aan only in Arabic to test yourself. you are going to do it bro. Ameen

Before you start, make a list of basic and common words as vocab. Ahmad and I are here and we will help you. Please tell others too.

I do translations to explain in my own English. Let me do one, which is very striking: "wa laqad yas-sar-nal-qur'aana liz-zikray. Fahal mim-mudak-kir?" meaning, "Surely, We have made Qur'aan easy to understand. Is there anyone who wants to understand?" (Please note this translation is not word to word.) So when you go into deeper meanings, you will find it to mean that Allah has made Qur'aan easy for remembrance, understanding and zikr provided the takers are willing. Very Happy

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Wed 26 Sep, 2007 4:01 pm
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Post subject: Re: Understanding of Qur'aan by a non-Arab Muslim Reply with quote  

BMZ wrote:
Two things fired me up: 1. When people would tell me such and such topic is in Qur'aan and common sense told me that Qur'aan could never say such. I thought I should read, understand and check it myself but no action.

Salam brother BMZ

Thanks mate for your great insight, looking at what you said above, believe it or not, this was my main motivation to throghly understand every word in the Quran, I never believed the lies those people allege about the Quran but no one will do my home work but myself especially my solid knowledge in the Arabic language and its grammar, in effect someone like me will have no excuse hearing this crap and not fedning it off

Not strangly that the Quran refutes all these allegations fair and square, NONE OF IT CAN BE PROVED against the Quran and yet the Quran alone is more than enough to slam dunk all these allegations, Alhhamdullelah, this is what you expect from a true book sent by the true and only God

Take care bro

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Wed 26 Sep, 2007 8:02 pm
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Post subject: Re: Understanding of Qur'aan by a non-Arab Muslim Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
BMZ wrote:
Two things fired me up: 1. When people would tell me such and such topic is in Qur'aan and common sense told me that Qur'aan could never say such. I thought I should read, understand and check it myself but no action.

Salam brother BMZ

Thanks mate for your great insight, looking at what you said above, believe it or not, this was my main motivation to throghly understand every word in the Quran, I never believed the lies those people allege about the Quran but no one will do my home work but myself especially my solid knowledge in the Arabic language and its grammar, in effect someone like me will have no excuse hearing this crap and not fedning it off

Not strangly that the Quran refutes all these allegations fair and square, NONE OF IT CAN BE PROVED against the Quran and yet the Quran alone is more than enough to slam dunk all these allegations, Alhhamdullelah, this is what you expect from a true book sent by the true and only God

Take care bro

Salaams, Ahmed

Once Muslims understand Qur'aan well, they can take people like Ali Sina, Ibn Warraq, Abdul Saleeb, Ibn Barracks Laughing , etc., head on and expose their lies, twisting and turning of Qur'aan's verses.

That is why you, some others and I are not welcome at FFI. Very Happy

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Wed 26 Sep, 2007 9:42 pm
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Salaams and you are welcome. You are exactly at the turning point, where I stood twenty-two years ago and that is what exactly I did to start. Would you let me know what is your mother-tongue, SoA? It would be helpful.

Salam brother BMZ, my mother tongue is Urdu but i am better of in English coz i do speak urdu bit witha different dialect

I never understood the meanings and just prayed and recited. I never registered what was the Imam reciting.

Two things fired me up: 1. When people would tell me such and such topic is in Qur'aan and common sense told me that Qur'aan could never say such. I thought I should read, understand and check it myself but no action.

2. My son used to come back from school and would ask me questions about Islam and Qur'aaan. I would answer but then the questions were getting intense. Some good Christian boys were asking him very nicely about Islam and I decided to get a translation but never did.

Great this is interesting, the only thing which is pumping me up is when people say the Quran cannot be translated in any language perfectly and they are words in the Quran which is just one word but has deep meaning in it which is what i wanna understand.

One day, my son came back from school, waving a Penguin book at me. I asked him what was that and he said Qur'aan's translation in English by Dawood, whose name I pronounced as Daywood, English style and he burst out laughing and said,"Dad, it is Daud!"

Allaah guides whom he wills.

SoA, that was the time, I came back for my lunch at home and I started reading the translation and I remained glued to it till night. I just could not stop. I read the whole translation and started again till I finished. This went on for about 7 readings, when I got a parallel translation by Shakir and did exactly like you did, matching words and it was a good guess. I read Shakir's translation for 12 times as a study. It was all coming to my mind. I could understand the verses that I recited in my prayers. I went for an Umrah and it was a joy that Saud Ibrahim was leading the prayers and I was understanding each and every word.

Alhamdullillaah this how Quran attracted me when I realised why was I created i used to read cry, fear and was amazed with this astounding book of Allaah and guess what it is all in english i wanna understand in Arabic now.

I started going for classes, learn from Mullahs and aalims, attended lectures, study group and MashaAllah by 45th detailed reading, the meanings were entering clear in my mind. I would then go back to scholars and teachers and ask them to open any page and ask me to translate and explain verses. They gave me straight A. My God! that was a delight for my soul.

I watn to do this i better start attending some lectures in the meantime try to go through some stuff on the net.
Brother can you please advise me

1) Is it advisable to run the root word of the meansings of arabic do u think its a good choice
2) Read the Quran constantly but 45th reading Alhamdullillaah.

I had finished my asr prayers in a mosque and I was just sitting looking at an Arab/Lebanese gentleman and when he was free, he looked at me and said,"Excuse me, do you want to talk to me?' I think he knew that as I was looking at him nonstop. I said "Yes." He told me he was a professor from Beirut and proficient in Qur'aan. I asked him to test my knowledge and he did. He inquired of me as to how many times I had read Qur'aan studying it. I told him it was 105 times detailed study and reading. He told me,"Just remember that once you finish 120th reading, the beauty of Qur'aan will start dazzling you more." It did and it continues to do so. Also remember, while you are doing this, more than a third of Qur'aan will be in your mind. What a joy, when you can recite direct.

Even if i live for 60 more years i will never do it read 120 times i have got to get serious and read the word of Allaah for my good.

There is a verse,"Yuti'l hikmata mayn yashaa'o", which means Allah can grant wisdom/knowledge to whoever Allah pleases" and I am so thankful and grateful to Allah for being able to understand Qur'aan.

Alhamdullillaah, i hope i am sincere to.

I suggest you do Shakir first for 20 times, then go to Yusuf Ali for 30-40 readings and in between, keep reading Qur'aan only in Arabic to test yourself. you are going to do it bro. Ameen

Insha Allaah i have got to get serious and start reading i do reading but in tit and bits, tried to read it once all throught but couldnt do it, but i have read in tits and bits but Insha Allaah this is good advice.

Before you start, make a list of basic and common words as vocab. Ahmad and I are here and we will help you. Please tell others too.

Yes will do that what i will do is i will keep reading and after each month or so (if i read it sincerely), i will have some basic vocab words and as brothere AB and you.

I do translations to explain in my own English. Let me do one, which is very striking: "wa laqad yas-sar-nal-qur'aana liz-zikray. Fahal mim-mudak-kir?" meaning, "Surely, We have made Qur'aan easy to understand. Is there anyone who wants to understand?" (Please note this translation is not word to word.) So when you go into deeper meanings, you will find it to mean that Allah has made Qur'aan easy for remembrance, understanding and zikr provided the takers are willing. Very Happy

Exactly if i am right this in Surah Qamar, i hope and next question coming your way regarding the Same surah which i read it sometime back and i have doubts with Islamic history here (Islamic history for me from Adam to Mohammed in this context)
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Thu 27 Sep, 2007 4:59 am
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Post subject: Salaams SoA Reply with quote  

You already have a great advantage and that is Urdu. You will find it very helpful in the sense that it has lots of Arabic words in it. Urdu is also my mother-tongue and that was another factor that gave me a good edge. That is why I asked you that question.

For example, the words Dunia, Insaan, Qareeb, Qabl, Shajar, and many words are common. You can see the similarity between Laakin and Laikin (but) and so on. mark the common words, while you read.

Go ahead bro.

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Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:22 pm
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Post subject: One request to you, SoA and my other Muslim brothers & sisters Reply with quote  

Please read, learn and understand Qur'aan on it's own. Do not read ahadith to learn and understand Qur'aan. After you have understood Qur'aan, you can then study hadith under the light and shade of Qur'aan.

This is extremely important. Please!

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Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:26 pm
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Post subject: Re: Salaams SoA Reply with quote  

BMZ wrote:
You already have a great advantage and that is Urdu. You will find it very helpful in the sense that it has lots of Arabic words in it. Urdu is also my mother-tongue and that was another factor that gave me a good edge. That is why I asked you that question.

For example, the words Dunia, Insaan, Qareeb, Qabl, Shajar, and many words are common. You can see the similarity between Laakin and Laikin (but) and so on. mark the common words, while you read.

Go ahead bro.


Exactly few words in Urdu and Arabic are similar so its gets a little easier. Insha Allaah i will try to completely finish with the english translation completely and then also do some Arabic reading.

Post Posted:
Fri 28 Sep, 2007 6:48 am
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